Using OpenAFS effectively

Course Handout: (last update 09 February 2011)

These notes may be found at The online version has many links to additional information and may be more up to date than the printed notes

Using the OpenAFS filesystem effectively

The infrastructure provided by Research Computing at Dartmouth College includes a central file storage system using OpenAFS.

For many users, the differences between files stored in OpenAFS and local files are not important. However, there are some differences in behaviour, and features not found in traditional desktop or Unix filesystems. These notes are intended to explain the important differences from a user perspective, and allow you to use the systems more safely, effectively and efficiently. Throughout these notes, OpenAFS and AFS are used interchangeably.

Target Audience

All users of Research Computing central systems, Dartmouth RStor data volumes, Discovery, PBS AFS systems, and anyone wishing to use AFS from a private computer. Unless noted, these notes apply to any AFS installation. Where specific examples are given, they apply to the Dartmouth Research Computing ( cell.

Topics Include


It is assumed that you already know how to: Example commands are shown like this. Many commands are shown with links to their online documentation (fs)
Output from commands is shown like this
Optional items are shown in brackets, [ like this ]

Some descriptions in these notes have more detail available, and are denoted like this:

More details of this item would appear here. The printed notes include all of the additional information

These notes are updated from time to time. The "development" set of notes are (Dartmouth only)

Richard Brittain, Dartmouth College Computing Services.
© 2010 Dartmouth College.
Comments and questions, contact Richard.Brittain @

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Table of Contents

1.AFS in a nutshell
2.AFS from a user perspective
3.AFS utility programs
4.Filesystem differences
5.AFS authentication
7.Scratch Volumes
8.Filesystem layout
9.Access control
10.Managing ACLs
11.Group Access controls
12.Backup snapshots
13.Performance Tuning
14.Installing AFS clients
15.Mobile clients
16.MacOSX clients
17.Selected AFS documentation
18.Local AFS commands


AFS in a nutshell

AFS (originally Andrew File System) is a distributed file and authentication service designed to be scaleable to many client computers, using secure authentication and with flexible access control. The main features are: Figure1. AFS Overview


AFS from a user perspective

Centralized file systems like AFS provide a number of benefits to users, including having a common user name and password for access to all client computers in the cell (on which the user is defined). Other benefits include a common home directory, reduced need for file transfers, increased file security and the elimination of the need to move home directories as computers are retired.

In general AFS can be used in the same manner as a regular Unix file system but the way in which permissions work can effect how users manage their accounts. Users who run long jobs or disk intensive jobs may also need to adjust the ways in which they work. People who compile and run their own programs need to learn how to manage a single account shared between multiple hardware platforms (e.g. a program compiled for Linux will not run under AIX)


AFS user utility programs

Several utility programs are provided for managing volumes, permissions, passwords etc. Most are used only by administrators, but a few are useful to all users. The utilities are a little idiosyncratic compared to most Unix tools. The user interface does not always follow unix conventions. No widely used menu-driven interface exists.

The tools are conventionally located in /usr/afsws/bin, which must be added to the standard $PATH setting. On Linux they may be in /usr/bin. There are a small number of utilities, but a large number of subcommands which can be performed (via command line arguments). Some subcommands require special priviledges. Some locally written wrapper scripts or aliases may be provided for the most commonly used commands.

The main utilities of interest to users are:

Identify the user to the system (requests password) and generate a token. Usually integrated with the system login procedure. Use to refresh a token at any time after logging in.
Display currently held tokens and their expiration times
Start a new Process Authentication Group (PAG). Usually integrated with the system login procedure. Explicitly needed when working in multiple cells or as multiple users.
Filesystem queries. Used to examine and set quotas, local cache parameters, access control etc.
Protection database tool. Used to manage users and groups for Access Control Lists (ACLs).
Password changing facility. Often combined with the standard Unix passwd utility.


Differences in filesystem semantics

AFS makes some minor changes to the behaviour of the Unix filesystem calls to improve performance. Many users can ignore the differences, but the behaviour may make a difference when multiple programs try to access the same files.

AFS implements write on close to improve the efficiency of the local cache. This means that when a file is opened for writing, data is first written to the local cache, and the server copy is not updated until the file is closed. Another process on the same client can see the partially written file. The client cache manager can be tuned to improve performance for particular types of files.

The initial open (for read or write) of a file entails database lookups to determine the volume location and permissions. The file and metadata are copied to local cache and then made available to the application.

Figure 2. Client read - initial connection.

Figure 3. Client read - subsequent open of same file.

If reading, the AFS server will tell the client (callback) if the server copy of the file changes. If it is unchanged, subsequent reads of the same file involve only local disk cache and so are much faster.

Read/write Performance is very dependant on the client hardware speed and cache configuration. Very occasionally problems might arise due to cache inconsistencies. The following commands (subcommands of fs) can be used to remove stale cache data.

Flush named files or directories from the local cache
Flush all data from a particular volume

I/O intensive jobs

Writing and reading large amounts of data to a file can cause performance problems for some programs if the file resides on a remote server. AFS is generally optimized for robustness and scaleability rather than high performance, and in some circumstances users may need to resort to using local disk for large data files to get the best possible performance.

Scratch or temporary files used by programs should in most circumstances be placed on local disk for best performance. Sometimes applications may default to writing scratch files in the user's home directory, but can be configured to use other locations.

Permission bits

The traditional Unix permission bits are largely ignored by AFS. Only the user write and execute bits are meaningful. All other access control is determined by the directory ACL.

Special files

AFS does not support device special files or named pipes.


AFS Authentication

The action of authenticating to a particular computer, and authenticating to AFS, are usually combined so that only one username and password are required. This requires that AFS usernames are used as the local usernames. No local password is used. In most cases enabling an AFS account on a client computer requires only creating a record in /etc/passwd, so account maintenance is greatly simplified. Once the user has been identified by the AFS system they are then allowed to use the computer and access the files in their home directory.

The main difference between an AFS user and a local user is that the AFS user is not tied or attached to a particular computer but instead has a global identity that allows the user to authenticate to multiple computers.

Computers can also use AFS without integrating the login procedure. In this case a local login is performed as usual and then the user runs klog -setpag to authenticate to AFS.

The -setpag option is used to generate a new PAG at the same time as authenticating. The pagsh command can also be used for this. Without a PAG, the token is attached to the local Unix UID of the user, which opens a security hole since local root processes could 'su' to the user and inherit the AFS token.

AFS token generation can also be integrated with other kerberos-based authentication schemes (e.g. the DND), but this is not currently used at Dartmouth.

AFS tokens

An important component of the authentication process is the granting of a token that is associated with the current process group (or login session). Tokens can be thought of as temporary identity cards that can be used to assure that a user's process does indeed have the correct permissions to access particular files. Tokens are based on Kerberos and have a finite lifetime (default 25 hours in the Northstar cell). The lifetime can be adjusted (per user), up to 30 days, but not eliminated completely. It is a design decision to increase system security. When a token expires, the user is still logged in and can run programs, but loses access priviledges (becomes a guest user in effect), so file read/write actions may fail.

The klog command can be used to renew a token at any time. The token applies to all programs in the same Process Authentication Group (PAG). With integrated logins, the PAG is a login session. The effect of this is that you may have multiple programs and shell windows associated with the same token, and refreshing the token in any one of them affects all the others.

The command tokens can be used to check the status and expiration times of your tokens. Only one token can be held at a time for a given cell in a given PAG. This is a consequence of the kerberos system and if it were not true, there would be ambiguity in the access control. However, if a user has an account in multiple cells, a separate token for each cell can be held.
Example: klog -cell
Separate PAGs can be started from a single login session to allow programs to run authenticated as different users, but typically this facility is only needed by administrators.

Discarding tokens

The command unlog explicitly discards one or more tokens. It is usually performed automatically when logging out, for added security.

AFS home directories

The major difference between an AFS home directory and local home directories is that an AFS home directory is shared between multiple computers. The user account is detached from the computer, making it much easier to retire old computers and bring new ones online. A complicating factor is that the shared home directory may be used for different operating systems (Linux, Solaris, Irix etc.) and so common configuration files like .cshrc and .login must be carefully crafted to produce the correct results on all operating systems in use.

Local (unauthenticated) processes on a computer cannot typically read or write files in a home directory. This is a problem for certain software such as mail delivery (forwarding, vacation messages, procmail) and cron jobs. Workarounds are usually possible. For example, if all mail delivery is performed only by a trusted computer (used for no other purpose), then that computer can be given special access.

Long running jobs

Changing passwords

The kpasswd command is the AFS equivalent of the system passwd command. It may be integrated with passwd for users with AFS homes. There are cell-specific options on acceptable passwords, password lifetimes, bad password lockouts etc.


AFS Volumes

An AFS volume is analogous to a filesystem on a logical partition. Volumes are mounted at some point in the AFS filesystem hierarchy, at which point they become available to client computers. Volumes are the unit of AFS server space for transactions such as creation, deletion, migration between servers, replication, and backups. Volumes can be any size up to the physical size of the server disk partitions, but many operations on volumes are easier if the size is kept smaller.

Volumes may be mounted anywhere in AFS space, including multiple mount points (although this is confusing). Disk quotas are applied at the volume level. The command to check on the current quota status is subcommand listquota to fs, i.e. fs_listquota.

The ACL (Access Control List) at the top level of the volume is important, since it may be mounted in a location with less restrictive parent ACLs than intended. For example, a user volume might be inaccessible to unauthenticated users by being mounted below a private directory. If the volume itself allows public read, it may be re-mounted inside a public directory and lose the protection.

Typically we use:

Two special volumes always exist, and are replicated onto each file server for redundancy.

When a program opens a file, the AFS client must first look up the location of the volume containing the file, then connect to the appropriate file server. When listing directory contents containing many volume mount points, many database lookups are needed. This metadata is cached, but performance can still be slow (e.g. ls -l /afs/northstar/ufac). Unfortunately GUI file managers love to do this, frequently.


Scratch Volumes

AFS can be used for storage of data and temporary work files which do not need to be backed up. To allow for this while keeping quotas on the home volumes below a reasonable limit, we can create scratch volumes on request. The tape backup system knows to skip over these, but otherwise they are treated exactly as for any other volume. Scratch volumes are usually mounted at /afs/@cell/nobackups/username but can be mounted by the owner at any location which is convenient. They are not subject to any automatic purging of old files, as is typically performed on local /tmp or /scratch directories.


AFS filesystem layout

This figure shows approximately how the Northstar cell is laid out. An indication of the permissions is also shown. Other cells may differ radically.

Figure 4. AFS filesystem layout. Red outlines are volume mount points. Black outlines are plain directories.

User accounts are initally set up with two directories named private and public. To facilitate file sharing between colleagues, the public directory allows public read access. All parent directories in the AFS hierarchy must allow a minmum of lookup access to allow this to be used. This allows file names to be seen, but not contents. The private directory is completely protected from all users other than the owner. Changing the AFS ACL on a home directory is strongly discouraged as various administrative functions may break. Newly created directories will inherit the public lookup ACL of the parent, allowing any user to see the file names. Completely private directories can be created with the 'fs setacl' command, or inside of the 'private' directory.

The non-local cells have been split off to /afs/worldwide in order to improve performance of GUI file managers which often try to retrieve information for every pathname component from the root down. Listing /afs/worldwide is generally slow and may hang for long network timeouts if remote cells are offline.

Special pathnames


Access control (permissions)

Access control is handled at the directory level. All files in a particular directory share the same permissions. Each directory has a set (up to 20) of user permission pairs, which together are referred to as the Access Control List or ACL.
The User in this sense is actually a The Permission in this sense is a combination of the following: The common combinations are "l" for lookup-only, "rl" for read permission and "rlidwk" for read and write permission.

Three special groups exist and are commonly found in ACLs.

Access control is more flexible than traditional Unix permissions, which only allow for a single group; traditional Unix imposes access control at the file level though. In practice the directory level controls are not a big problem. Symlinks to subdirectories can be used if specific files need to have different permissions. The Owner's mode bits are also used to control access to a specific file. Group and Other bits are not used.

Newly created directories inherit the ACL of the parent. The user's umask (file mode creation mask) is still used for file creation, but only the 'user' bits are relevant.

Default user accounts in the Northstar cell have two directories named public and private. public allows any user to read, while private is inaccessible to all but the owner. Note that the home directories has public lookup access, to permit the public directory to be reached. Root-owned processes on a traditional Unix filesystem can read any file regardless of permissions. This is not true with AFS homes.

A consequence of the directory-based ACLs is that hard links are only permitted for files in the same directory. Hard links across directories would give rise to ambiguities in access control.


Managing ACLs

ACLs are all managed by various options to the fs command. Wrapper scripts or aliases for some of these may be available
fs_listacl (la)
Displays the ACLs for one or more named files or directories. The default is "." (current directory).
fs_setacl (sa)
Set the ACLs for one or more named directories. Multiple user permission pairs may be listed Users are removed from the list by specifying none as the permission. Users are added to the existing ACL unless the -clear flag is also given.
fs_copyacl (ca)
Copy the ACL from one directory to another. This allows a complex ACL to be set on a template directory and then duplicated.

Negative ACLs

Access control is a logical OR of the user:permission pairs. Negative permissions can also be specified with the -negative flag to fs setacl. This allows such settings as "Any authenticated user in this cell (system:authuser), but not user 'bob'.


Group access controls

ACLs can contain groups in addition to individual usernames. Groups can be created, managed and deleted by any user, using various options to the pts command. Group names created by users have the form user:groupname Wrapper scripts or aliases for some of these may be available.
Create a new group
Add one or more users to a group
Remove a user from a group
List details of a user of group. Groups have their own permssion flags which retrict who can list the members, add or remove members etc.
List the members of a group
Delete a group.
The owner of a group determines who has rights to list membership, add users, remove users etc. The owner is initially the creator, but may be reassigned. The owner can be the group itself (all members can have administrative priviledges) or can be another group. For example, a smaller group of users can own (and have administrative priviledges) a larger group.


Backup snapshots

The AFS system allows a snapshot to be taken of a volume at any point in time. The main purpose of this is to 'freeze' a volume so that it can be transferred to backup medium (tape etc.) in a self-consistant state. Backup snapshots are very quick and efficient. Only files changed since the last backup snapshot are actually duplicated on disk.

We generate backup snapshots each night just after midnight (00:10). These are then copied to the long-term backup system, but the snapshot remains online until overwritten the next night. This means that an accidentally deleted or corrupted file is actually still online in last night's snapshot. Users can mount their own home volume backup snapshot (readonly) and retrieve files without needing administrative priviledges. It is confusing to leave the backup volume mounted permanently.

The procedure is:
fs mkmount ~/YESTERDAY user.myname.backup

YESTERDAY is now a read-only copy of your entire account as of last midnight. Files can be copied out of it with all the usual Unix tools, but nothing can be modified
fs rmm ~/YESTERDAY (remove the temporary mountpoint)

Backup snapshots are migrated to tape each night. We take full backups monthly (kept for 12 months) and incremental backups nightly (kept for 31 days).


Performance Tuning

Distributed fileservers

AFS fileservers can be distributed throughout the network, so that in an inhomogeneous network environment, it is possible to have one or more servers more local in a network sense. Arranging to have the most frequently accessed volumes from a particular client on a close fileserver will improve performance.

Replicated Volumes

Volumes which are frequently read but only occasionally modified can be replicated on multiple servers. Clients will automatically pick a read-only copy if one is available, and will fail-over to a different copy if a server becomes unavailable. The top level volumes are usually replicated on every file server in a cell.
Replicating the master (read/write) copy onto the read-only copies is known as releasing the volume and is carried out manually, using the release subcommand to vos (vos_release)

Large vs Small Volumes

Since volumes are the unit of AFS server space for transactions such as migration between servers, replication, and backups, many operations are easier if the size is kept smaller. The important parameter is the ratio of the volume size to fileserver partition size. The daily backup snapshots can cause the actual disk usage of a volume to be double the visible space, if the files are modified daily. Large individual files make this problem worse. Backup snapshots limit the fraction of a server that can be allowed to fill. The tape backup system also requires staging space to hold the compressed backup snaphots, so large, frequently updated volumes have a significant impact.

Smaller volumes: pro

Smaller volumes: con

Client cache options

AFS performance is very dependant on the speed and configuration of the client. Upgrading client CPU, disk, memory and networking all can have a large effect. The disk cache used on the client should if possible be on a disk partition of its own, ideally on a striped local filesystem. The client cache manager has various startup options which control how much memory it uses, and how much metadata related to volumes, directory entries and file data are kept cached locally. Increasing those values generally improves performance, but there is a point at which performance suffers because of searching times. The amount of file data transferred in one transaction (chunk size) can be tuned. Well connected fast networks with few lost packets will benefit from larger chunk sizes than the default. Graphical file managers will benefit from larger amounts of file and directory metadata in cache.


Installing AFS clients

The installers and source code for all supported platforms are at Unfortunately the documentation available largely dates from the IBM/Transarc AFS 3.6 release and is out of date in many respects.

Common to all platforms are the need to configure the following items for each client

The client parameters are passed to the client AFS daemon processes at startup and determine such things as the size and type (memory or disk) of the cache, size of the file chunks passed over the network, and the sizes of various file metadata caches. In general the default values are very conservative and performance gains can be made by increasing them, at some expense in memory usage.

The CellServDB file (legacy) is used to provide the IP addresses of the database servers of the cells to which you may want to connect. The same information is usually provided by the DNS service mechanism, but not all cells use DNS, and older clients did not support it. The DNS provides a special record type to return the AFS server addresses associated with a given cell name. The CellServDB file takes precedence, so it must not contain incorrect information.

Traditional Unix platforms

The traditional Unix platforms (Solaris, Irix, AIX etc.) use compressed tar files for the installation mechanism. When unpacked, they create the following directories: bin, etc, include, lib - to be installing via copying or linking below /usr/afsws. Also root.client, root.server which contain the client modules and configuration (/usr/vice) and server software (/usr/afs). The various daemons and kernel modules are loaded through startup scripts in the standard ways (/etc/init.d/afs). Default cell, client cache manager configuration and CellServDB files must be edited after installation.


For Linux, the software was broken into modules and repackaged as RPM files. Which RPMs are needed depends on whether you want to install client, server, or both, and whether you need to be able to build from source. The naming scheme is generally openafs-susbsystem-vers-distrib-arch.rpm
For example:
openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm                All
openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm                 All devel.
openafs-client-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm         Client
openafs-compat-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm         Client (opt)
openafs-debuginfo-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm      All devel.
openafs-devel-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm          All devel.
openafs-kernel-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm         Client
openafs-kernel-source-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm  Client devel.
openafs-krb5-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm           All devel.
openafs-server-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.i386.rpm         Server
After installation, the default cell, cache configuration and CellServDB files must be edited by hand.

Mac OS-X

The installer for Mac OS 10.1 and later is a native OS-X package format which installs with no special information required from the user (admin priviledges are required). The software is installed into /var/db/openafs (cache and configuration) and /Library/OpenAFS/Tools (all user tools and libraries). The user tools in /Library/OpenAFS/Tools/bin are symlinked to /usr/bin, but the administrator tools in /Library/OpenAFS/Tools/etc are not in the $PATH by default.
The /usr/afsws directory is not used - it can be symlinked if necessary to support scripts with hard coded paths to /usr/afsws/bin. After installation, the default cell, cache configuration and CellServDB files must be edited by hand. The default cache is 30 MB.

Microsoft Windows

The windows (NT-based, Win2k and newer) installer is a single .exe file which prompts for user input about which components to install. In general only the client is needed. The optional extended documentation is the same as available at and is out of date. The client software is installed into C:\Program Files\OpenAFS, along with many additions to the registry. An uninstaller in also provided. Command line tools are also made available in the %PATH% after installation. A client tool is provided to create Windows drive mappings to AFS pathnames, e.g.

 F: -> \afs
 G: -> \afs\\ufac\afsusername
During installation, the default cell name (e.g. is requested, and also an initial CellServDB file. An option is provided to download a file from a URL: can be used. Windows AFS client uses the DNS (AFSDB) method to locate servers by default, so a CellServDB file may not be needed. The other options can be left at their default settings. After reboot, the AFS client software will be running, but AFS will not be accessible until drive mappings have been made. Some of the settings are systemwide (admin users only) and some are per-user. Open "Control Panel:Other Control Panel Options: AFS Client Configuration" to set up drive letter mappings and optionally adjust cache size and other parameters. The default cache is 100 MB.

If Windows logins are configured using kerberos-5 and a username/password database which is synchronized with the AFS usernames, tokens may be automatically obtained at login time. This is not the case at Dartmouth. The release notes for Windows contain many caveats about incompatabilities between Windows and Unix. Many of the new features in the Windows clients are to support mobile users with changing network connectivity and addresses (freelance mode, or Dynamic Root - cells are not mounted until they are referenced).

Windows explorer will display additional AFS properties (ACL settings etc.) for folders in AFS (right-click)

Older versions of the AFS client are supported on Windows 9x and NT4, but are no longer maintained or developed. has local notes on installing AFS on various platforms (also out of date in many places).


Challenges with mobile clients


Mac OSX client


Selected parts of AFS documentation

The top level of the OpenAFS documentation set is at
  • klog
  • tokens
  • unlog
  • pagsh
  • fs
  • fs_listquota
  • fs_examine
  • fs_flush
  • fs_flushvolume
  • pts
  • pts_creategroup
  • pts_adduser
  • pts_removeuser
  • pts_examine
  • pts_membership
  • pts_delete
  • kpasswd
  • fs_listacl
  • fs_setacl
  • fs_copyacl
  • vos
  • vos release


    Locally added AFS Commands

    AFS commands are not intuitive so some Dartmouth-specific scripts have been written to hide some of the command details.

    Function/Action Command
    Check your disk space (quota) for your home directory. quota or afsquota
    Set permissions (ACL) on a group of files, or recursively in a directory tree setacl [-R] [-v] who,what directory [directory]
    Copy permissions (ACL) from a group of directories to another tree copyacl [-R] [-v] source-directory target-directory


    References, Resources, Man pages etc.


    Online Resources

    (will open in a separate window)

    Academic site AFS information

    Related Software

    Using OpenAFS effectively: Course Handout
    (last update   09 February 2011)  ©Dartmouth College