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jon realized version error for using arduino reprogramming xbees. --should be using version 1.0 of arduino on laptop; had been using 0022

question: SD cards. qustion is: enough output pins to feed xbee and sd card. hope so.

jon: discussion of tm protocols. --xbee. radio 2 modes of operaion. transparent=serial cable equivalent.

how does it nknow wher eto send? all xbes have "PAN iD" all should be same DH, DL destination high, lo. high 0000, lo FFFF sends data to every radio in network if DL don't want that. want all the nodes to go to one. each xbee has adress "inworld address" all xbees have same DH DH+DL = world address DH will be some value receiver DH 0000, DL FFFF >>>this would go everywhere ducks should have each have own read-only id_h and id_l also have settable dh, dl want to set ducks dh = reciever id_h, dl= reviever id_l

right now, all dh is 0000 and dl = ffff

if we wanted more complex network, would switch firmware within xbee. would change to "digimesh".

question is, is there a dnt-type-range radio system which supports mesh networking. ?

ok, api mode>

for sending commands "to" the radio.

in transparent, need to actively switch between listening and talking.

in api, one radio sending data in api mode can program a listening radio on the fly.


for reprogramming ease, want "xbee explorer", which allows you to pull only the xbee itself and not the shield from the ducks.

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Page last modified on March 01, 2012, at 01:04 PM