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GC 21 Sept 2012

official time 1230 fridays

mondays discussions

>>debrief notes

>>bob moving

>>upcoming is dave smallsat


only problem was ELT turnon

  • order more balloons TODD
  • TODD card

summary up

mechanical: **hinge metal lid; ham access

  • include rec team check before filling at time

when check wiht patrick

  • add to recovery team checklist, recheck DNT after

landing point/finding


get driver to computer gps PETER

looker/mapper compatibility PETER/TIM

recovery team goal question.....this time had problem of no ELT, so heavily prioritized to keep ham gps in sight.

used mapper this time, worked well.

handheld gps *** PETER eetrex

recovery from tree: max used slings whole way, took a while (3 hrs)

  • JAKE learn treeclimb with max

launch patrick:

repeated sentences in DNT file? "keyspan to timCapture" vs "lab computer to realterm" redundancy. but 2 files are different. lab computer no repeat sentences. PATRICK/TIM so repeat sentence not a DNT thing.

range: 9 km/5miles should be 40 miles ***PATRICK/YORKE also check settings. ***PETER/PATRICK check settings used.

repeated turnons: ***PATRICK try with wimpy battery, more likely, pick through connection wires

patrick: check battery fade-out data on SD card....

data peter:

SD card: timeline definitions. interpolate or avg. some sensors don't change much between gps strings , PETER check with sine wave input.

solar panel data: very noisy looking

burst alt 86thousFT, landing point between small and middle circle

peter get video from todd for comparison to acc data

SD card formatting?

data cadence: serial.write for charcters not bytes...

battery insulation: used rigid pink foam

big wheels on cart!!!! big baby buggy wheels RALPH

BOB payload..........

jake has a new insert; minimum accuracy seems to be about 1/8". 2.5 hours to make copy with changes, 2 hrs exact copy. best to make a revised version with corrections.

peter working on powered bob setup.

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Page last modified on September 21, 2012, at 01:35 PM