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....gps and dnt orders in

....peter: flight data:

temperature effects. high temp should lower voltage; but given choice of shunt resistor, moving of max power point could result in less output at colder.

data plots:

doesn't seem that temp should affect DNT, lost at 0deg internal. should be rated down to -40.

  • todd to look up LOS for fred.

what is solar panel response function to illumination? is photometer linear?

what is best way to plot which way the solar panel is "pointed"? lineplot of dot product of normal with B or with down?

interleaved data file: see notes file.


DNT stuff all still works in untouched configuration. multiple turnons was causing weirdness. loose connection in turnon circuitry?

ham radio not yet checked; note no transmissions inside when no gps fix.


net range to payload at loss of DNT? net range at equivalent ltitude on downleg? ***todd but then why not when walk up?

  • patrick inspect turnon circuitry.


phil re heinicke

todd/ralph mech:



solar panel rewire and ext switching

dnt optimization and new gps : arduino

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Page last modified on July 23, 2012, at 12:21 PM