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Wind/Weather: Saturday April 7 - Excellent wind. Lands 20 miles S of Conway. Weather forecast is rain. Thursday April 5 - Winds less favorable. Possible landing on I-295, but weather is acceptable.

Assume for now a launch on Thursday, April 5. Max will continue to watch the wind and weather.

Kristina: Arduino materials and tutorials available online at Will leave one Arduino and light strip in Wilder 9 to play with.

For DUCKS, Arduino takes inputs from the GPS and from the Xbee on the comm shield. GPS goes into digital pins. Radio communicates via TX and RX. Mag-Accel talks through the Analog pins. Can we use both the GPS and the Radio at the same time?

PLAN: gear up for launch thurs april 5 packing up wed night,leaving ??? ---hopefully 6am start; 8am arrival; 10am luanch (dave); 10:30 launch (altair) --discussion of cutdown time plan


  • MTWASH headsup
  • CAR one sprinter van for launch; one suv for recovery

PATRICK: real time display?

AMANDA/THOMAS: sometime before monday revisit dave data displays

hardware: --dave needs reassembly --flight box (parachtutes etc) needs reloading --altair on max/yorke end

testing: --monday fullup test 3pm --tuesday noon MRR ---.....better data display???? ---.....goals of each flight; success criteeria ---.....***differences of flight conditions from past: repercussions of design changes ---.....personnel (rec *tim, *jon, *max, peter/other) --- (launch *amanda, *patrick, *yorke, *ralph, casey, todd, steph, ben,ha, ellen,k)

--wed pack

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Page last modified on March 29, 2012, at 12:49 PM