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space class 5 oct 2012:

Dave2 data

--resets and acceleration:

(patrick) resets are clearly related to accelerations loose wire somewhere try shaking***

--acc and ddgps:

comparison of acc and ddgps (see peter's plots on wiki) what is this motion??

--solar panel wimpiness:

(peter: note data parsed and posted.)

seems order of mag too wimpy... well correlated to motion overall level quite small. ***compare to ground tests. ???what is front temperature ???what is noise in temperature? ???compare temp/alt with gc2 version ???try putting thermocouple on outside for dave3

--why so bumpy? max?

  • ask max about altair payload behavior

--range issue:

data sheet for DNT: note that one connot use 500Kbs and 1W at same time. altair uses 200Kbs and 1W.



DNT range problem: change settings and do range test****.
problem with "ignore"? how to set back? try reset pin***.
show doesn't work with old settings***
Arduino reset
DNT data rate (bytes, update realtime)
Solar panel
recovery team code issue (tim, this week**)

General TM

what is baud rate??? correct definition: number of times

something can change state. equiv to bit rate in our case.

our data sentence: mags, accs, 4 other, 4 time = 192bits

plus overhead of start/stop bits.

desired goal of khz sampling up against 200kbs limit.
need to be careful of rf/serial matching for overflows.
running dnt at 500, serial at 230 loses dnt data
running dnt at 200, serial at 115 ***try this.
ideally want dave 115; rf200; reciever230***


yorke message***K send out

Bob settings:

range test: full distance, and 2 orientations***.
data optimization**
innards: new one on monday**
powered drop: maybe middle next week.**

Rate sensors

may be a spin frequency limit
will experiment with them


todd has talked to sean about varying drag in STK, can you

change drag coeff on the fly within stk?

also, can you have a non-point satellite
***local expert?

logistics for Dave3

***range check; solar panels within spec
balloons ok
***track software tim next week
***range test when? todd to organize
earliest 20 oct?

new epscor: hooray! read dartmouth section***

previous opens:

peter** note karl yando cinema battery issue
recovery computer gps driver***
arduino resets: near launch and at 2000sec; ***patrick overplot
the acc data and look for correlation with mech issues
peter***solar panel intepretation next week.
jake** foam cutter dead again status, new bob innards
DNT range problem patrick***discuss with peter, review with yorke
todd***mechanical updates, balloon order, STK/sean
jacob***rate sensor
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Page last modified on October 08, 2012, at 10:31 AM