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max visited rutland/springfield rutland: (1.5 hr) have talked to rutland manager: seems friendly building apron in front of garages power, wifi cellphone

  • time of day/notice/procedure discuss w/ manager

springfield: (1.25 hr) parking lot with nearby power

  • need to connect with manager

springfield vs rutland: ???is there a concern launching near the highway?

on notice for 18th; max followup


previous problem with new squids: had to do with programming radio; new method works: changed baud rates to 19200 for all DNTs

when all same and all known, can talk to each other

new sqiuds transmit gps/mag/accel

green: new squid as groundstation. get sensor from new and dave; get gps time signal but no position.

data from two at once (one "A" and one "B"): how is this set up now???? (Patrick?)

???rate of recieved data?

???gps? why not work. try old antenna? check programming of gps? setting for power to gps?

>>two more days, decide thurs; depends on gps settings.


has made a matlab model velocity valong goes as distance from shore)^2 plus some vy oscillation, 4 wavelenghts


two models, 5 sidebyside



solar panels

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Page last modified on February 07, 2012, at 12:50 PM