This server delivers pages directly from DartFS (NFS/SMB shares).
It can be used for delivering home
pages from any DartFS account, available to all members of the Dartmouth Community,
and from lab shares.
It is also used to deliver the HTML documentation which accompanies many software
packages used on our central Research Computing systems.
Check DartFS quotas and mount paths
Display DartFS shares I have access to based on group memberships. This also shows quotas, NFS path as seen by Research Computing Linux cluster, and desktop mount syntax for Mac and Windows (beta).
Documentation and Downloads
HTML and PDF Documentation for software packages installed in DartFS. This may be
in addition to traditional man pages or on-line help accessible only within the
application. Selected software package installers may be listed below.
Personal Pages
Any DartFS account holder may
build a personal web page and deliver it via this server.
Last updated 2025-03-12